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Appropriations Requests

As the Representative of Louisiana’s 6th Congressional District I work to ensure that our federal government invests in the policies and programs that help our communities, our state, and our nation move forward.

The deadline to submit an appropriations request is Friday, April 4.

 There are three types of appropriations requests that can be submitted to my office – Programmatic Requests, Language Requests, and Community Project Requests.

  • Programmatic Requests: Requesting specific funding levels for agencies and programs funded in the twelve appropriations bills.
  • Language Requests: Requesting bill language or report language directing or encouraging specific actions by federal agencies.
  • Community Project Funding Requests: Requesting funding for specific projects in their communities, so long as the projects have a federal nexus and meet other requirements established by federal law, House Rules, and the Committee to ensure only high-quality projects are requested and funded.

Program Funding or Language Requests

Program funding or language requests ask the Congressman to support either (a) specific funding levels for or (b) specific activities by certain agency or department programs (e.g., Pell Grants, Head Start, DoD Breast Cancer Research, Afterschool Programs).

The two types of program requests are:

  • Program funding requests: Ask for a certain amount of funding for a particular program. The request can be for a specific funding level, to support the President’s Budget Request, to support the FY25 enacted funding level, to generally support robust funding, or to zero out funding.
  • Language requests: Suggest Congressional intent that an agency focus on a certain policy or take a certain action related to a specific program. Language requests can be for “bill” language that have the force of law and direct an agency to take a specific action or “report” language that recommends an agency prioritize certain policies or actions.

Examples of Program Funding Requests

  • Increased funding for the 21st Century Learning Centers Program.
  • Include $25 million for the Predominantly Black Institutions Grants.
  • Sign the group letter by a certain Representative for full funding for Head Start.

Examples of Language Requests

  • Sign the group letter that would include report language in support of trauma funding for homeless families.
  • Include bill language for $150 million for the Reemployment Opportunities Program.

If you have multiple requests, please submit a separate form for each request.

Community Project Funding

Community Project Funding requests ask Congressman Fields to select a specific non-profit or government organization within Louisiana's 6th Congressional District to receive Congressionally directed funding under a specific federal grant for activities that would positively benefit the community.

Important: An organization receiving Community Project Funding must follow all requirements of any federal grant under which it receives funds, and it cannot be a for-profit organization. Community Project Funding requests are for one year of funding and likely will not be received until mid-2026.

Our office has not yet set deadlines or released our FY26 Appropriations request forms. If you would like to be added to our email distribution list for when forms are released, please complete this survey:

Click here to submit your request(link is external)

If you have additional questions, please feel free to call Rep. Field's DC office at 202.225.3901 or contact sends email). Thank you!